Ream - It sounds so dirty

Ream - It sounds so dirty

What's the deal with this Ream Thing?

REAM - it sounds so dirty

I'm doing a new thing, and I want you to come along for the ride!

Ream is a new community subscription service similar to Patreon. Ream was created by authors for authors. It's new and I really like the direction it's going. I'll wax poetically one day about all the reasons I'm doing this but mainly...

I want a place that I can deliver content to you without too much fear that it will all be yanked away for naughty words and spicy scenes. If you've been in the bookish community for any length of time, you've heard stories of authors being kicked off of TikTok or Facebook or having their Amazon accounts shut down. Well, this newsletter and a service like Ream are safeguards against that.

It will also be a little more of an intimate experience. You'll be able to leave comments, we can get into conversations, you know, talk, no big whoop.

Oh, it will also limit piracy, I hope...

How Ream Works

Smart Tier

Smart is the breaking news tier. When you subscribe at this level, you'll get early access to promos, sales, new releases, not just from me, but from other authors that I know and love. For example, if I have Advance Reader Copies of upcoming releases or swag and merch, they will be announced here first and Smart Tier subscribers will get early access to all that.

Sexy Tier

Sexy is the sneak peak tier. Sexy subscribers will get first access to all new stuff. This will include covers, blurbs, first chapters, and Ream Exclusive content. Also... SWAG PACKS! Subscribers at this tier will get at least one swag pack a year of stickers, bookmarks and more. I am a super crafty gal, so you never know what might show up.

Magical Tier

Magical is the, well, magical tier. There will be tons of exclusives and goodies in this tier including BOOK MAIL. I'll be sending out signed books, swag and magical merch for this tier 1-3 times a year.


Scroll down a little and you'll be able to follow me. This is a Free Tier. As a follower, you'll get community updates from me as well as all the bonus content for Ruined Alphas. Please note, the original bonus content will be for all tiers and followers for now but there will be deleted scenes, first drafts and supplemental content that will be only for paid tiers in the future. Eventually, the bonus content will be formatted into ebook form so you'll be able to read it on your ereader of choice. I'll probably do that in stages, like, have 10k words or so downloadable for you, but you'll get to read it as I publish it on Ream.

Once you're a subscriber or follower, you'll find two main sections - Stories and Community.

As I said, all the planned bonus content for Ruined Alphas will be available to all subscribers and followers for now. You'll find this in the Stories section. I'll be publishing some deleted scenes from Ruined Alphas most of which will be for followers and subscribers. There will be some exclusive deleted scenes and other goodies, just for subscribers.

I'll be loading other content into Ream for future projects and past projects too!

In the community section you'll find, well, I'm not 100% sure yet. I'll probably use it like a blog. I hope to feature authors I love, books I've read, essays, rants, raves, and so much more.

Yo, Nova, you're like all over the place, with newsletters and Facebook groups, websites, social.... How is this going to all work together?

Excellent Question! Thank you so much for asking! All content will go to Ream first (except for TikToks and goofy memes). The newsletter might then feature some of that content monthly. After it's in the newsletter, it will go to Facebook and other social media platforms. Every time there is an update on Ream, you'll get a quickie email alert so you'll never miss new content.

Ream will effectively be Home Base and things will flow out from there into the rest of the universe.

Oh and yes, this is an 18+ community. There will be cussing, explicit sex, violence.

Ooooooookayyyyy. Let me wrap this up... Head over to Ream and join today!