PoisonVerse - Ruined Alphas

PoisonVerse - Ruined Alphas

Ruined Alphas

An omega terrorist. The pack sent to hunt me down. An impossible scent match.

The Alpha Omega Institute branded me a criminal, an agent of The Reset, the beta hate group.

The Institute put a price on my head and sent one of their best after me. He caught me, capturing a part of my soul. I don’t understand what’s happening or how, but the one thing I do know - the only way to keep us both safe is to forget we ever met.

The Reset’s next target is an alpha born into one of the most elite packs in the city. Jackson Serrano is sweet and charming, the kind of alpha any omega would want. The kind of alpha who would never want an omega like me. One fake date to put a tracker on him and they would ruin his life.

The moment we meet, everything changes. And I mean everything. He says we're scent matches. Fated mates. He wants to take me to meet his pack…

Pack… omegas… heat… alphas… all the things I was raised to fear.

Now I’m caught between a desperate hope for a pack I can never have, and the dangerous beta fringe group that wants us all dead.

About Amy Nova

Amy Nova is a writer and marketer from New York. A picture perfect day would be curled up with a matcha latte, writing smart, sexy, magical adventures for all the weirdos that live in her head.

Bonus Content!

Bonus Novella 

Get a peak into the happily ever after with the Serrano Pack!

Deleted Scenes

Not everything made the cut! Meet Jackson's mom, learn more about Duo and see the original Cross scenes!

Knot your coloring book

An adult themed coloring book inspired by Ruined Alphas.

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