August Books of the Month!

August Books of the Month!

Here are some great reads for you to check out for August 2023!

Omega Sanctuary By Mira Kane

The Omega Sanctuary had one job, find and protect omegas.

They failed.

I expected to spend my life as a simple baker and overlooked beta. After failing every test to see if I was a fabled alpha or omega, I embraced the quiet beta life.

Unfortunately, my body had other plans. Flung into a pre-heat state only omegas experience, my dreams go up in flames. Along with my sex drive.

Rushed off to the Omega Sanctuary, I have to bond an alpha before my first heat comes, and with it, uncontrollable magic. Except my scent is so subtle, the only men who will give me a second glance are forbidden... READ MORE...

Bewitching Her Monsters by Yve Vale

A werewolf, a gargoyle, a phoenix, and a demon walk into the bar…

Yeah, it sounds like a set-up to a bad joke. But this is my life, and it just got weird.

Jade: As a hopeless romance author, I go out to a local bar, looking for something to cure my writer’s block. When I discover four of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in real life, this forty-year-old homebody finds all the inspiration I need.
For my books, of course.
But when I dare to take a couple of sneaky pictures with my phone, they catch me ogling.
Now, I believe they are following me. Maybe they’re worried that I overheard something I shouldn’t have. From how shifty they were acting, they might be involved in shady dealings. READ MORE

An Everlasting Reign by Mirabella Mooncrest

Will there be a happily ever after or is it too late to uncover the enemies within?

With Amaris missing and the four men struggling to find her and complete the bond, time is ticking and tension is growing.
Everything comes to a head as explosions of truth destroy the foundation of even the most sacred relationships.
Can they find Amaris and stop the Dark King's prophesy from unfolding or are they doomed to perish by the hands of unexpected foes?
Everything is changing and no one can be trusted. Not even yourself.

A Match Made in Hell by Traci Lovelot

I killed my lover when he turned into a vampire. Now I'm forced to work with three of them.

An elite mission calls for our best vampire hunter – me – but I'm shocked to find the team is full of vamps. Even worse, it's a mission I can't refuse, and I loathe the agent in charge.

Hudson broke my heart a decade ago, and that was before he became a vamp. He and his equally tempting twin Jackson can go screw themselves. Even more infuriating is the buff former bodyguard Nico, who can't keep his hungry eyes off me.

We're a misfit team destined to fail, almost as if someone wants it that way. It's up to me to figure out what's really going on here. I'll play nice until these vamps reveal their bloodlust.

Then it's time for what I do best... ending them with a strike to their hearts.

Arcanym by Jamie M. Samland

Elvan, eldest of House Galmoth is content to stay in and always eager to jump into character. Some day, he will find a facade that suits him, one that meets his mother's expectations of him. He's spent the last two years playing investigator, raking through ledgers to clear his mother's name while ignoring his family business and noble House crumbling around him. When the last servant quits, Elvan is forced back into the world and must choose between continuing his fruitless investigation and saving his home from the collectors.

On his last lead, he meets Drace, a lonely shopkeeper who sweeps him away on a flight from the royal inquisitors - the same men that arrested Elvan's mother.

They dive deep into the kingdom of Spheris, shrouded by the smog of rising industry, lit by the flicker of gas lamps. Where the magic users must practice their art in secret, away from the eyes of the crown.

The Long Road By Embry Fox

Six Seelie Guardians. The Unseelie Mist destroys the realm. A race against time.

Meg and her fellow Guardians now have the ability to restore Flouria to its former glory, or so they hope. With their magic unlocked, they hope to fix what the Unseelie damaged with their destructive Mist. They have a taxing journey ahead of them to the castle, but that only gives them time to master their skills.

With true Seelie magic being unleashed back into the world, King Dragus and Queen Maurelle are fighting to maintain their rule.

Seelie magic is dying, with the Guardians fighting off the Mist and Unseelie Knights at every turn. Will they be able to get to the Unseelie King and Queen in time before the Seelie magic dies out entirely?

They have a long road ahead of them…